“Fortune Favours the Brave”


If you watch Hockey (or any sport for that matter) for long enough, it’s very easy to become slightly cynical and jaded as the initial novelty wears off and it starts to become more of a routine.  As a result, it’s often good to go back and see the game through the eyes of people that haven’t been watching for long.  As mentioned it previous posts, just one phone call changed the direction of my life, and as in the post below, guess I’m not the only one to have had that experience

Before Beckie (a regular at the back of 113, fellow drummer and song writer) headed “up North” to start the next chapter of her life, I asked her if she could write a brief overview of her time watching Storm as like I say, it’s good to read about the experiences of those that are still fairly new to it all…


What a year…

I remember my first game at the Shelter like it happened yesterday.. February 6th 2017, Manchester Storm vs Coventry Blaze. Funny to think I went in to that game with a VERY basic knowledge of hockey. Lucky for me, I was sat in front of a couple where the girl also didn’t know much, so the boyfriend(?) was explaining every move that happened. Very handy! But even without being able to understand fully what was going on, I knew I had to come back.. and soon. The atmosphere was absolutely amazing, I’d never experienced anything like it before! The fast-paced action where you couldn’t even blink or you would miss something, the crowd getting behind the team on the attack… and my God, when they scored a goal! It’s a feeling you start to crave, something just picks you up out of your seat, like a super strong magnet stuck to the roof. You just can’t help yourself! After that first game, I was addicted.

Unfortunately, I’d just jumped in towards the end of the season, so there weren’t many games left as it was, plus having to travel up from Anglesey, I was already missing the rush. The off-season was HELL. All I had to keep me going was transfer news. Who was coming back? I’d only just learned everyone’s names! Some favourites left, some new faces (to me anyway) came in. I really was sad to see faces like Neil Russell and Pacha go, I remember thinking they were massively vital to the team, but at the same time, I was really looking forward to seeing a fresh new team in a fresh new season. I could finally watch a team develop and grow together!

The 17/18 Season began… finally! The wait felt like years! I was finally back where I started calling my second home because, well, I felt like I belonged! Still had to find WHERE in the Shelter was home, tried a few blocks: Started in 104, second game (the Ruby game.. lets not talk about that goal..) I ended up in 106, over to 115 to be closer to the noise and drums, wasn’t loud enough.. finally, I plonked myself in 113. Instantly, it felt like where I should be. I absolutely loved chanting, but in the other blocks, I felt like I couldn’t belt it out like I wanted to, but now I could back up whoever was starting them (even though I was sat in front).

A few months in.. life started throwing some serious curveballs at me. I moved up to Manchester to be with family (if you know me personally, you’ll know the story), it was one of the hardest things I had to do. I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy going to a game on my own as I didn’t really know anyone at that point, but I thought, to hell with it! Why not? I decided to sit in the row in front of the “cool drummer” I’d been talking to on Twitter, but never once talked to him in person! I’ll tell you what, it was the smartest move I’d made in a long time. It was the perfect opportunity to shout my troubles away and drown myself in the noise. I sat there for a few more games, this time with a tambourine, I wanted to join in and make as much noise as I could! Eventually, I plucked up the courage to ask Gord if I could stand next to him in the empty seat, and he welcomed me with open arms! I was ecstatic! I felt like part of the Drumming group, which was one of my aspirations for the season, to at least join him on drums for a period or something. This is where my games changed..

I remember joking with Gord about getting my own drum one day despite never having played drums EVER. I like to think I have decent rhythm, I love rhythm and music games and I’m not exactly terrible at them! But I never actually expected him to actually turn round and say yes! The more the merrier! But I was expecting drums to be stupidly expensive, so I never thought it would happen. Until I found a drum going for £20 including postage, then found out it was down the road and I could pick it up for a tenner! Didn’t have to think twice about that! The first game I took Jen (my drum, named after the drummer in Skillet) to, I was SO nervous! But, as Gord had pointed out, there’s enough of us to cover each other’s mistakes! But as soon as I found my flow, that was it.

The rush I felt from starting chants.. it was unreal! The quiet nervous girl was getting the whole rink to shout along with her! The Shelter was no longer just a second home, it was therapy. It was my light in the dark that had been trying to suffocate me for the last few months. It was my safe place where I could drum my anger away. It also made games much more… meaningful. I felt like I could push the team when they needed it, every moment in the game felt more alive. And for that… I have Gord to thank. He gave me the bravery to put myself out there and be loud! Ever since I jumped on drums, my confidence has soared sky high. Considering the events of the last few months, having each game to look forward to drumming with someone who I consider to be my closest friend.. it really is a pleasure.

Hockey really has changed my life. I’ve never been so passionate about a hobby before, but Manchester Storm have managed to ignite a fire in me I never knew existed until a year ago!

This is Beckie signing off… remember guys, #ATMBWY!